(v) (SOLOD)
When you buy a pair of Solos by Dr Dre headphones and they are so small that when you try and put them over your head they snap in half. Due to there size.
"Hey Joe! Sorry you got Solo'd, man..."
by will6680 March 18, 2010
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when you profess your love for someone and they reply saying they already knew about it, without reciprocating.
Princess Leia: i love you
Han Solo: i know
Princess Leia: fuck he Han Solo'd me
by 88slamking November 26, 2010
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when you jerk it on a girls face while she sleeps and put a paper towel on her face. when it dries it is in the form of her face like han solo in star wars. hence han solo'd.
by Zakk F January 5, 2010
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When a male places his balls in the snow, so they shrivel up. Then while a friend or partner is sleeping you place your balls in there mouth. as they warm up they expand.
Man last night Kelly got so hammered she passed out on the couch so I fucking Han Solo'd that slut.
by tommyshort July 27, 2009
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The act of saying,"I know" when someone says I love you, as did Han Solo to Princess Leah. Also known as Solo'ing.
My Grandmother said, I love you and I looked straight in the eye and said, I know. Bam! You've been Solo'd!
by Shingy77 August 18, 2012
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