Usage 1: when used as "Snake on a Plane" can be similar in use as
"bull in a china shop" in the meaning of "one who can do great harm"

Usage 2: when used as "Snakes on a Plane" can be similar in use as "a group of bulimics in a room full of bathrooms" in the meaning of "a group of people joined together for one great cause"
"he was like a snake on a plane, feathers were everywhere. I don't know how Janice got out alive"

"dude did you go to the Greenpeace rally? it was totally snakes on a plane...i mean when that guy lit that lady on fire...SWEET!"
by Crapflinger January 2, 2006
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Snakes on a plane-(Upon seeing a hot girl)-"Damn, I would love to put snakes on HER plane!"
by Cecil Littleton May 7, 2006
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a phrase used to describe a number of difficult tasks or problems that require attention or completion. not unlike "things on my plate"
me: hey buddy, wanna go grab some coffee?
you: no man, i'm way too busy, you have no idea how many snakes are on my plane right now.

you: hey buddy, got much snakes on a plane?
me: nah, i'm all good, the teachers have settled down with their homework.
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Meaning: "shit happens, but it was so obvious that this particular shit would have happened that whaddaya gonna do ?" Taken from the upcoming Samuel L. Jackson movie of the same name, and immortalized by screenwriter Josh Friedman on his blog post of Wednesday, August 17, 2005. It is a rhetorical phrase, and entirely unneeded, like "I told you so".
It is "snakes on a plane" that a movie with the title "Snakes on a Plane" would eventually be filmed, and of course that Samuel L. Jackson would play the lead role (a perfect match). Not surprisingly, this film will be a huge box office success.
by Keister April 17, 2006
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1. An expression, origionally taken from Samuel L. Jacksons snakes on a Plane, showing great anger towards someone or something
2. A universal expression able to be used anywhere for anything.
1.Tom: Hey anthony, i ate your food
Brian: And Anthony, I stole your iPod.
Anthony: BAH, you guys are muther fuckin snakes on a plane!!

1.Greg: Fuck you anthony, you forgot to go running today.
Anthony: OMG!! Snakes on a plane!!
by diamondmuppet69 July 12, 2006
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A popular shot created in July of 2006 celebrating the 21st birthday of a few good kids. This shot is 1/3 Hypnotiq 1/3 Rum and 1/3 Orange Juice. The rum represents the snakes, the Hypnotiq is the plane, and the Orange Juice represents life and how messed up it gets when you mix life with snakes and planes.
"It's your birthday! Hey Bartender can I get three Snakes on a Plane please?"
by Leviticus J July 23, 2006
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A penis on a plane, coined by Kanye West in the song "Good Life" off of his 2007 album "Graduation," playing off the title of the Samuel Jackson movie "Snakes on A Plane."


Have you ever popped champagne on a plane
While getting' some brain
Whipped it out, she said "I never seen snakes on a plane"
Idiot 1: Dude, that flight attendent is hot
Idiot 2: Yeah, I think I'll show her my version of snakes on a plane.
by TheTallOne September 19, 2007
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