A person born in the island of Puerto Rico. Puerto Ricans born in the island on or after January 13, 1941 are born US citizens. Those born before that date but on or after April 11, 1899 were granted US citizenship by the Jones-Shafrat Act of 1917.

Many people who were not born in the island, feel or consider themselves Puerto Ricans because one or both of their parents were born there.
Puertoriqueño-Puerto Rican
by Salero21 May 11, 2009
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A person from puerto rico and/or of puerto rican descent. They are Beautiful,diverse and Lively people comprised primarily of Taino, African and/or European origin.
I am of puerto rican origin.

Boy, Those puerto ricans sure are friendly.

Puerto Rican is not a race, it's an ethnic background.

The Puerto Rican culture is so spunky and Beautiful.
by Adamari May 9, 2005
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A type of car that Puerto Ricans drive. It comes in two varieties.

1. A supped up Mitsubishi that is driven for the sole purpose to steal money from stupid white boys.

2. A car with a blue Hundai body, a black Mazda left door, and a white Honda right door and hood. The white is usually primar, but it can be the actual color of the door/hood that was scrapped from the Puetro Rican's brother's junkyard. Under normal circumstances, this car seats 4-5 people, but in the case of the Rican-Mobile, it seats 12-15 grown Ricans in wife beaters with their nieces and nephews in the trunk.
#1: Did you see that phat rican-mobile? It was off the hizzy.

#2: I'm not driving with you in that rican-mobile. For all I know there is no floor.
by Pablo, King of the Spaniards October 20, 2004
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A driving maneuver that involves the improper changing of multiple lanes from side of a highway or interstate system to the other, often times to make an exit.
Chad almost missed our exit but we pulled a Puerto Rican and made the off ramp
by cubsruleall February 17, 2010
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tricked out, low-riding car with dark tints, big rims, and (optional) obnoxious exhaust. usually accompanied by reggaeton with loud bass
can be seen anywhere in the south end of hartford
Doug turned his whip into a rican ride so he'd fit in on park street but he sticks out like a sore thumb in the burbs.
by mami chulaaaa January 31, 2008
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To be of Ecuadorian (Ecuatoriano) or Puerto Rican (Puertorriqueño) descent.
She told me she was Ecua-rican.
by Enrique11206 September 10, 2006
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A person who is technically Puerto Rican but looks white and has all white traits.
Angel is definitely a sorta-rican.
by BiggyAng86 September 16, 2016
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