When in a deserted male bathroom, a man pees in all the urinals.
*Just came back to class*
Person 1: Yoo Chad, I just playing the organ
Person 2: Hahaha, what is that?
Person 1: Its when you piss in all the urinals
by organplayer May 26, 2010
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Bob: I walked in to Jim's room and that skeeze was playing the organ to a video of my sister's dance class

Jeff: So what, I play the organ IN your sister's dance class

Bob: Ah hell, who am I kidding? So do I.
by ScubaSteve4235 January 30, 2008
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Used when people are talking about musical instruments to imply that someone gives head. Play the skin flute
Hey, if we started a band, Juan could play the male organ.
by Hackermom November 3, 2005
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Where a woman fucks a pipe on the pipe organ. Activity is limited to venues that just happen to have a pipe organ or 2 lying around.
I was locking up the church at night after choir practice. When I was sure everyone was out of the building I snuck up to the choir loft and started , playing the pipe organ. Boy that key of 'c'will. Never be the same again!
by 4realazitgits April 6, 2021
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