When picking, or scratching, the plaque off of one's teeth to clean one's teeth of bacteria. This is usually done when one feels bumpy stuff on his/her teeth which is plaque or when one cannot brush one's teeth properly.

There are a few ways to do it:

1. Going to the dentist every 6 months.
2. Using one's nail to scratch one's teeth and putting the plaque onto a tissue daily or after every meal.
3. Using a sharp object of some sort to scratch one's teeth and putting the plaque onto a tissue daily or after every meal.
4. Any other way one would like.
One : Hey your teeth have gotten whiter, lately.
Two : Yeah! I've been picking the plaque everyday!
One : Wow! That's nice. My dentist doesn't even do that for me because he's so cheap.
Two : It's a lot better doing it yourself because it's more reliable and it's a free daily ticket to white teeth!
by Choysen July 23, 2010
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