Ossetians - A group of people from North Caucasus. Although their Language is Iranic (The last of Scytho-Sarmatian/Alan language) they are mostly descended from native Caucasian people.

Their population reaches 1.000.000 diaspora included. {30% of them live in modern day Turkey) Majority of them speaks Iron, one of the two dialects of Ossetic/Ossetian, speakers of this tongue are mostly Orthodox or Uatsdin (The true path, ancient Alan/Scythian religion) A minority speaks Digoron - which is a more intact dialect of Ossetic that has kept some old Alan words that Iron did not. Speakers of Digoron Aevzhag Language are majority Sunni hanafi Muslim (<99%). They live in modern day North Ossetia - Alania, situated in the center of the Caucasus mountains, Russian federation and are neighbors to Ingushes (In conflict since the 90s) and Kabardians (Circassians) and Balkars (Mountain Turks, some of them even come from noble Ossetian families and vice versa). There is also an Ossetian republic in South Caucasus. After the horrendous crimes of Georgian state and people against Iron Adaem Ossetian people Ossetia demanded help from their lifelong friend Russia to free them from Georgian terror. (See 2008 South Ossetian war). South Ossetians are mostly Tual they speak Iron.

Although Ossetians are Christian, many name their child Fatimæ/Fatma, Makhamat Abdallakh, Azamat, Aishat, Madina etc. It is because they were influenced by Muslim populations that were surrounding them.
+my Chechen friend told me "If you want to insult someone from the Caucasus, tell him he’s Ossetian"

--khædbaradbon khorzh! Aezh Uarzhyn Iryshton! Irættæ Razhmæ!! Ghæy! Ghæy!
(Happy indépendance day, I love Ossetia, long live Ossetians)
by IronChizg November 8, 2022
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