If you a real cool person, but some times you enjoy doing things that a geek might like
Cool Mike: What you doing Dave
Cool Dave: Reading Harry potter, No geek
Cool Mike: I though geeks only read HP
Cool Dave: Nigga why you think i just said no geek
by Blik5 June 7, 2007
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The people you pick on in high school and wind up working for as an adult
The geeky kid now owns a million dollar software company
by longislandguy May 25, 2005
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A person of high intelligence who typically does not fit into popular social groups. Geeks tend to make friends with other social outcasts with similar hobbies and/or interests.
That geek is pretty smart, but he always gets teased by the preppies and jocks.
by Enigmanic May 10, 2009
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One who passionately engages in one or more things to extreme levels. A commonly ascribed term to people in the field of computer programming, but one does not have to be in a technical field to be a geek. The only criteria is an intense level of interest in something, often to a highly specialized degree.

The term currently seems to be most used when referring to various fandoms. Whatever you do, never mention the Endor Holocaust to a group of Star Wars geeks. It will become amazingly convoluted.
I just finished creating a full-sized exact replica of the Mystery Machine from Scooby-Doo, complete with seat indentations based on the estimated weight of each member of Mystery Inc. I'm such a geek!
by Mr. ZAP February 13, 2011
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To be excited about someone; To get this unexplainable feeling about someone when you do anything that has to deal with them
Ooh yuh siis, I can tell you super geeked over him !
by jujuuu ! March 13, 2019
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Describing that something has geeked u, a good synonym would be comedy
That movie was geekness
by Geekness88 October 12, 2018
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