when you've had to many drugs and to much alcohol
oh my god that is'nt my boyfriend DAZ he's proper moffed it
by marie August 22, 2003
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Insulting Dutch term to describe a German person.


Afrikaans word for homosexual.
"Kijk die vuile mof" - Look at that filthy German.

"Hy's 'n mof" - He's a homo.
by Fokjullenaaiers January 6, 2014
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Extremely aggrivated, angry, annoyed, and/or dissapointed in any given situation.

It's miffed to the 100th power.

(Often used in conjunction with variations of the word 'fuck')
"That guy just cut me off, and I'm so fucking moffed up right now!"

"I was about to break up with my girl, but she dumped me first. Moffed me the fuck up!!!"
by lazyeye78 January 27, 2006
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MOF is a shortcut for "Man O Fculture".
And it's sounds like "Maof".
Yo, wassup MOF
Ah, i see you are a MOF as well
by HentaiBlackBird December 4, 2019
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Chris Benoit is a 1 time World Heavyweight Champion in WWE. MOF, he did win it back in WCW, but gave it back right after because he wanted to go to WWF alongside Eddie Guerrero, Dean Malenko, and Perry Saturn.
by Beef P@ty December 26, 2006
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Mof is a shorter and much cooler way of saying, "Mofo."
Example 1. That guy is crazy as a mof.

Example 2. It smells like a mof in here.
by Luke Ax August 14, 2009
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It's a german term fror "Mensch Ohne Freunde" (It means Human without friends)
"U r t3h b1GG3sT MoF ev4"

For example
J-J-J-J-Jan Holger Felsche Call him: 497734/335 (cuz hes stutterin)
by Pi Dschäg February 19, 2005
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