The time your dumbass refused to eat dinner and then your suddenly hungry in the middle of the night. Midnight snack time is magical because for some reason everything you do, makes a noise louder than the Big Bang.
I was just writing the definition for Midnight Snack at 2:34am when I became hungry. So I got out of my bed and then the second I touched the cold wooden floor, that shit just made a sound louder than the Big Bang. Then when I got to my door, my mom had the belt in her left hand and slipper in her right.
by it cant be November 25, 2020
Used to describe a situation where someone will get out of bed in the middle of the night (despite the title, any time between bedtime and sunrise would be considered 'midnight' in this case) in order to have a quick bite to eat. This could be for any reason; the person may be hungry, or not tired, or just really craving a specific item of food. The snack is usually followed with the person immediately returning to bed.
Bill: You ok man?
Dave: Yeah, just couldn't get to sleep last night. I was really hungry for some reason.
Bill: What did you do?
Dave: Went downstairs, had a midnight snack and went back to bed. Felt better and got to sleep.
Dave: Yeah, just couldn't get to sleep last night. I was really hungry for some reason.
Bill: What did you do?
Dave: Went downstairs, had a midnight snack and went back to bed. Felt better and got to sleep.
by WatcherMark May 24, 2019
Midnight Snacks is a radio show hosted by W.T. Snacks, known as a moderator of It is played at 12AM of every Tuesday night/Wednesday morning
by Anonymous Does Not Forgive July 27, 2005
George: *goes into the kitchen and sees Dan* Why the hell are you eating a salad, a steak, and ice cream at three in the morning?
Dan: It's just a midnight snack...
George: Whatever you say, fat ass.
Dan: It's just a midnight snack...
George: Whatever you say, fat ass.
by Boogiebop July 11, 2008
by Schiff McGee May 17, 2018
A sex act in which a man awakens a woman at midnight, only to surprise her by ejaculating all over her face.
My girl looked like she could use some extra protein so I blasted that bitch with that Midnight Snack.
by jMeech March 19, 2018
Dan, Midnight Snack
by Shavetherainbow July 9, 2012