by ~javauser July 21, 2023
by Awstenswig October 17, 2020
by Livvy August 17, 2003
a person who enjoys recieving pain. It is quite possible for a person to be masochistic without being submissive, and to be masochistic without being masochistic. It is also possible to be a masochist AND a sadist.
by calamity December 6, 2003
by MamaFish November 11, 2018
One who recieves pleasure (usually sexual) from being physically tortured or otherwise inflicted with pain, or humiliation. (a person who is masochistic is not necessarily a submissive, they don't go hand in hand)
by Dezmene May 17, 2006
one who enjoys emotional and physical pain, some enjoy it sexualy and other do not
one who get a mental high from emotional and physical pain
one who get a mental high from emotional and physical pain
by Lonely Soul September 1, 2006