The body's natural response to unwanted material inside of it by ejecting it out of one's ass in a less than formal manner.

To eat a food that causes painful diarrhea or soup ass.
I'm sorry I never made it to your party, after I went to taco bell my assets were liquidating all night.

Someone at school put ex-lax in Chad's drink, leaving him with liquidating assets during biology, forcing an evacuation of the class because of his runny asshole.
by Chief Fat Cock March 27, 2011
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(n.) Assets owned by a person or organisation that can quickly be redeemed for cash (This also includes cash and bank balance).
Debtors do not count as liquid assets because there is no garuantee that cash can be recieved from the.
by Gumba Gumba May 13, 2004
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Any type of alcohol (especially beer and liquor). This term is typically used in social contexts--but definitely not at a highbrow cocktail party. Use this term when you don't want to be blatant about your alcohol consumption (in front of parents, grown-ups, etc) or when you just want to sound fratty.
Teenage kid #1: Hey, dude, are we set for the party tonight?
Kid #2: Yeah, don't worry. My big brother already picked up the liquid assets for us.
Kid #1: Sweet. Thanks.
by urbanite2 June 1, 2010
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When you've been backed up for several days and you have to resort to some sort of magnesium or saline laxative, or enema, to take care of business.
Oh man, I've been backed up for several days now, I think it's time to liquidate the assets!
by Mr. Quackens February 26, 2017
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