Jacking off in the bathroom when privacy is at a premium.
Mike stop J 'n the B. Rob Deucey is on deck with men in scoring position.
by Cakes2k8 April 19, 2008
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A double bourbon and ginger ale. It's a popular drink during warm months and is classically made with Jim Bean.
Friend: "Hey man, you want to go grab a drink?"
Me: "Yeah! It's been so hot lately, I could go for a J Double B."
by the_hoops January 18, 2017
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The best brand of wordScotch/word wordwhiskey/word.
Yes, I'm prejudiced toward my favorite brand, but so are all Scotch drinkers... ^_^
by Doc Sigma September 23, 2003
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1. has to be sung "j-o on the j-o-b"
means to fuck around at work
2. waste time on payroll
I like to j-o on the j-o-b, j-o on the j-o-b!
by Bud E Love May 8, 2003
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cuts apples with a knife, then eats them. Because they think its makes them a more etiquitte indiviual. They shower often, and don't pluck their eyebrows. But they are stunning anyways. They have a limited wardrobe but seem to never run out of new clothes. Very athletic but act like a awkward girl. They like to lounge around the house all day in either too small or oversized housecoats. They do odd things like carve pencil crayons with kitchen knives, or chew plastic spoons. Quite often have older and much hotter sister who are alomost an inch shorter but make up for that loss of height in at-it-tude !
Melissa J. B. kick ass, to put it simply !
Person #1 I was playing basket ball last night
Person #2 Oh, any Melissa. J. B. s in the other team?

Person #1 Why are you cutting up that apple
Person #2 Oh I don't know..
Person #1 Pulling a Mel J. B
by kaygurk! February 11, 2010
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Soap stone document J : to smoke a joint
Soap stone document B : to smoke a blunt
Soap stone document P : to smoke a pipe
Soap stone document W : to smoke a water pipe (bong)
you: yo im mad stressed trynna soap stone document j,b,p after class?
friend: for sho i have "document b" in the car
you: thats good enough! if anything i always have document P in my nap sack
by DOSE6 March 30, 2011
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