The last of great music, ever. It's actually hair metal. The hardest rock around. The best bands in the world. These bands actually had talent and the tunes kick so much ass. After hair bands, there was a shitty trend called "grunge" which totally blows, along with all other music.
The best music is hair bands!
by Spartans! November 9, 2004
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bands from the 1980s known as much for their music as their huge, flowing heads of hair.
I like '80s hair bands, like Bon Jovi
by mciml2 July 14, 2004
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a type of band popular in the 80's, early 90's who's image consisted of long hair.
by your momma July 13, 2004
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Generalized description of any of the 80's rock bands recognized for teased hair, large followings, high profile lifestyles, etc.
'Quiet Riot'? Oh my god, I can't believe you consider that a hair band.
by kinsmed July 13, 2004
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A group of waifish white male performers donning tight leather pants and an implied endorsement of AquaNet hairspray.
Posion was the grand holy mother of all 80's hair bands.
by laurapav3 July 14, 2004
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A notoriously crappy type of 80's rock band, with several notable exceptions. Distinguishing characteristics are big hairdoes (hence the name), constantly changing drummers, and a band name that is either nonsensical or based on a location.
by Hablacraja July 13, 2004
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