n. someone with a terrible memory, unlike an elephant; v. to forget everything
I'm goldfishing when I last fed my fish.
by elephantry April 29, 2015
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Women who look totally gnarly in the morning, nothing like they did the night before. Comes from the look of sunken eye sockets and makeup-less eyes making them bulge out of the head like goldfish.
"Veronica has a tight body, but damn! She's such a goldfish in the morning."
by Sugarpuss December 6, 2006
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To practice a drill or to play against a very easy opponent, so easy you might as well be playing against nobody at all.
"Wow, Corey just got 300 passing yards in that game against Miami!"
"Yeah, but Miami can't defend a passing game to save their lives. He was just goldfishing out there"
by J. Raja September 5, 2005
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Lambo- Hey girl, you are super times can I holla at you?

Co Co Pipes- I'm sorry I have a boyfriend.

Lambo- Oh, I have a goldfish.

Co Co Pipes - what?

Lambo - Oh I thought we were on the subject of things that dont matter.
by Co Co Pipes September 29, 2010
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One who grows to fit their container
Like if you move into a new house, and you buy crap to fill all the rooms -- you're a goldfish. Totally.
by goldfish_enthusiast July 13, 2011
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A spontaneous erection of the male penis, usually the result of something completely non-sequitur, such as thinking about goldfish.
So I was at the downtown aquarium and all of a sudden I popped a goldfish. Mom kept looking at me funny.
by Zee January 24, 2005
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The greatest man made food(well it's machine made but whatever) that ever journyed to this world. they are made of love and pussyjuice(this makes them taste extra good)
goldfish are cheese and flavor blasted crackers.
by john habostada June 12, 2008
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