when a girl says she is fine but she is really dying
The girl fine scale
not okay
i hate you
by coolgirl2003 October 11, 2016
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she is not feeling good (mentally and/or physically) and thinks you (S.O.) might tell her "I know you're not baby, what's wrong?" we may not tell you and might get annoyed if you keep asking but we may eventually tell you but we take your caring words to heart and it usually makes us feel better.
(S.O.): Hey, how are you love?
girl: I'm fine wbu
(S.O.): I know you're not baby, what's wrong?
girl: (explains problem)

(S.O.): Hey, how are you love?
girl: I'm fine wbu
(S.O.): I know you're not baby, what's wrong?
girl: You're right but I'm getting through it, thank you
(S.O.): Of course, let me know if you need ANYTHING
by Elle Annie June 1, 2022
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