to love someone with all you have; more than you ever imagined possible. for now: this time, the next time and all the times to come.
My Roman loves me Ginormously! especially after a few caipirinhias!!
by fileshareforus November 30, 2011
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gigantic + enormous = ginorm(ous)
eww...omg did you see that ginorm ass?
by jen & kristen June 18, 2008
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Extremely large; bigger than giant and enormous
I have a Ginormous Penis.
by Dan March 9, 2002
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overly large. taken from the words "gigantic" and "enormous" to form "ginormous."
Kid 1: Gee, paw. That cow sure has a ginormous utter.

(i'm so sorry)
by Emberlix February 20, 2005
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1:Ginormously normal.
2: Something that is extremely average.
3: Something that is far from being out of ordinary.
It's been such a ginormal week. Nothing has happened!
by Matt D. Underwood March 14, 2008
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To be a mix between ginormus and gargantic.
person 1: Man that chick is ginormic!

person 2: Yeah, Amercians's are usually ginormic.

person 3: I blame McDonalds!
by T'mara October 2, 2006
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Humorously outsized.
"...he's only five foot three, but he drives around in this ginormous car."
by Aquillion July 8, 2002
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