Insult to use on a gay guy when he's being rude as hell
by CrustyCritter February 22, 2017
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(n) A bag usually suspended from one prep or homosexual shoulder to the opposite side. Designed to carry books, and most commonly seen on gay people with sandals.
Johnny pulled his spanish book out from his fagbag.
by Simon May 19, 2004
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Another name for calling someone a faggot.
"Aye fagbag! What you think you're doing?"
by nancee March 16, 2003
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What you call someone who is extremely gay.
by Swami0586 August 1, 2005
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A fanny-pack.
by Anonymous October 9, 2003
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A new species originating in Asia of straight "men" who attempt to look as gay as possible, complete with frosted tips, eyeliner, and scarves tied around their necks even in tropical weather. Combining the fashion sense of hipsters with the self absorbtion of doucebags, the fagbag is often seen in the company of hot Asian women who are dying inside for a real man who spends less time in front of a mirror than they do.
Look at that hot chick over there looking bored to tears with her fagbag boyfriend.
by BorisSDT August 7, 2011
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