A night without rival, the ultimate, epitome of awesomeness. Spent doing exactly what you want, with who you want, where and how you want from dusk 'til dawn! Laws may be broken, but you get away with it. Babies may be made, but you'll welcome it. Purity or Debauch -- it'll go down in record books as one of the BEST nights of your entire life!
Booski: I want to have an epic night.. you know me and you.
Llokum: Grab your cell phone, passport, bikini, Red Bull, treasure map, bail money, jet skis & floaties, autograph book & pen, and leave your inhibitions behind...
by Llokum Shpirt June 13, 2014
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A massive dinner with overly large foods that would not usually be done unless eating huge quantities is the goal.
That epic meal night where we made that 20 pound burrito was awesome! epic meal time spontaneous mouth birth gargantuan
by Decrata April 14, 2015
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