You say D joke when ever some one says a stupid joke. This is usually said by kids at Ching Secondary school. This word was made up by a group of kids because a student named Darion always makes dumb jokes.
Darion: 1+1=10
Beetle: D Joke
by Luulu December 28, 2007
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Someone who excels the D Joke standards.
Jaspreet Sidhu, Devante Mowatt, Joel Tabiri, Craig Bannor and Navneet Purewal ( Hannah Montana in the night time) are D Joke Masters.
by Arvinder Sihra March 4, 2008
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Replaces the word that someone is saying with the world D
lets play


fuck you

"duck dyou"

the hell is that

"a d joke"

you mean dick?

"no a d joke"

by SwishyBro January 13, 2023
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