A very creepy person.
by spoodermanisbae January 22, 2019
A crock pot is a woman who can comfortably conceal $ 15.00 worth of mixed fresh produce in her baby cavern.
by Lightning Strike February 20, 2023
When you're under the covers and you let a rancid fart slip. It then festers and stays warm in the blankets until your partner lifts up the covers and is hit with a blast of stink.
(Much like lifting the lid off a crock pot and the hot blast of steam that comes out.)
(Much like lifting the lid off a crock pot and the hot blast of steam that comes out.)
by AllieLewis February 8, 2011
by MrAmazingful July 16, 2011
Farting under an electric blanket and then pulling it over your significant others head, similar to the "Dutch Oven" but using an electric blanket.
Terri, my MILF, and I were cuddled up under my electric blanket when she let one rip and pulled a crock pot.
by TerritheMILF January 22, 2011
When your spooning with a girl, and you manage to slip your penis inside her vagina and you both fall asleep, and it just sits in there and marinates, just like a crock pot.
"Man I was so tired last night I got behind my girl and managed to get it in, but we just crock potted because we were so tired.
by BigFellow2010 November 9, 2009
Taking a dump in a crock pot and letting it bake until some unexpecting individual opens it and releases the aroma of baked turd.
Kara and Caleb left me a key to their house while they're on vacation, I'm thinking about crock potting in the kitchen so they have a nice welcome home surprise.
by f5sledneck06 August 31, 2016