A verb used to describe someone doing something annoying for the sake of being annoying, it also implies that ther person doing the chigging is a homosexual. Often pronounced or spelled as Chiggin'
Quit chigging around.

Stop chigging, <Person>
by CPU Killer November 3, 2006
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The powers of Asian and African persuasion combined to form Tiger
Woods, a real chig.
by Charper October 28, 2003
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A racial slur that applies to all races. A derogatory term aimed at no one in particular.
Shut up you fuckin' chig.

Those damn chigs stole my car!

Those stupid chiglets keep trying to sell me candy.
by cassusriff May 3, 2009
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Me: Aye bruh, can I have a drag of that chig?
You: hell naw these mutha fukas cost ten dollars a pack.
by QueenyOmygodess April 19, 2017
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expressing good wishes in the place of "cheers" when you're smoking cigs and don't have drinks in hand. Practiced by tapping your cigarettes together. Mostly occurs when outside a bar.
I'd cheers you right now, but we only have our smokes, so chigs!
by Ackronomicon December 16, 2016
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i’m so friken chigged right now

i came home chigged last night
by tula bleu January 14, 2018
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