The disgustingly sweet cuddling of two very close individuals who are most likely romantic partners. Generally used in a sarcastic way.
"If you two are done Canoodling, we could actually start this game."
"Yeah, Chris had to leave the room. Nothing makes you feel more like a third wheel than two people Canoodling."
by Catsreadbookstoo June 28, 2016
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After laying in bed talking and flirting for a while, we started canoodling.
by dbot May 1, 2003
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To cuddle, caress, fondle and pet amourlessly- all at the same time!
They were very busy canoodling - their hands were all over each other!
by Angie's first love September 6, 2015
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The act of enjoying anothers company by getting close to them. This generally takes place on a couch and activities include but are not limited to: whispering, giggling, hot gossip, pillow talk, and squeezies. It IS socially acceptable to canoodle in areas with others, to a minimal degree, even when some believe it is not. Pillows and blankets are usually associated with canoodling as well. Some restrictions apply, results may vary.
Hey did you see Jon and his secret biddy canoodling last night?
by cis4cookie September 8, 2008
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To lay in bed and cuddle with a lover
The tall man enjoyed canoodling with petite women.
by Anthony December 3, 2003
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cuddling, when done in a more extreme, explosive-fashion, as if cuddling were directed by Michael Bay.
After cuddling and kissing for a long time, we started canoodling.
by willyftw November 9, 2010
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