when you are having a bowl of cereal while you sit on the toilet to take your morning shit.
"While I was having a bowl on the bowl I accidentally poured my cereal down the toilet. I guess you could say the cereal decided to take a short cut."
by cuckoosnest May 6, 2013
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when a group of bros trade bowl packs and all get ripped
Yooooooo Dom when we goin bowl for bowl?
by Dommmmm December 7, 2010
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To smoke a bowl of herb, or two, or three, and then go bowling with your friends.
Hey Ted? You wanna hit that Bowl n' Bowl up tonight, man?
by josh February 18, 2005
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You get picked up , fingered , thrown in the gutter and come back for more. Just like a bowling ball.
Joe : Yo man , Taylor is such a bowling bowl !

Bob : I know man , I through her in the gutter a few weeks ago , and she just kept coming back for more. What a bowling bowl.
by I*HATE*YOU* August 30, 2008
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Somthing said by ppl when there trying to sound cool and fucked up.
Dave kept saying how fucked up he was off of Beer bowl beer bowl beer bowl.
by Brii and Tabi March 18, 2008
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