The Avocado Groove is what every purchaser of avocados should strive for when purchasing avocados for the week.

On Sunday, you go grocery shopping and you take a look at the avocados. You do your best to try and pick out a variety of them. You get a few that are on the harder side, a few that seem to be softening, and maybe 1 thats ready to go now.

Picking avocados is quite simple, but eating the avocado at the right time can be difficult. With proper execution and technique, a person can acheive a true avocado groove and eat a perfect half or whole avocado every day for the whole week without wasting a single one.

Here are some of my personal pointers:

-Try to diversify the avocado ripeness when purchasing several of them.
-Leave the hard ones out on your counter in a bowl, they will ripen quickest this way.
-When they start to soften, put them in the refrigerator so they stay in their ripest form for as long as possible.
-If you are only eating half of one, always leave the pit in the uneaten half and try to seal it up and get as much air out of the bag/container/wrap as you can!
Marc: Hey Deb! Those avocados look delicious!
Deb: Thanks, Marc! I'm making a delicious salad for lunch every day this week, would you like the recipe?
Marc: Absolutely! You gotta catch that avocado groove if you want those to last you the whole week! Last time I bought avocados here they were only good for 38 seconds!
by ChrisBrownismyfather October 29, 2019
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