Any one of a number of heinously outdated colloquialisms; their rhetorical power lies in their deplorable ability to frustrate or incite hilarity. Upon utterance, a speaker will likely generate the following behavioral, cerebral, or emotional responses:
1) Externalized disgust (behavioral)
2) Debilitating brain aneurisms (cerebral)
3) Crushing submission (emotional)
They should be avoided in day-to-day vernacular, and hopefully eventually removed from English nomenclature.
Various Asterisms:
Alas (conjunction)
Up a crick (prepositional phrase)
Circle the wagons (verb)
Po-dunk (adjective)
MMMMMkay (declarative)
Cotton-picking (adjective {racial})
By golly (declarative)
Gosh darn (defamatory)
Rats (declarative)
Hippity-hoppity (crack whore)
Gung-ho (adjective)
The list goes on...
by drizzake & co. April 24, 2008
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If like is the oppisite of dislike, then aster is the opposite of disaster. In extension, asterous is the opposite disasterous.

So basically: great, awesome, working well
Robin: Batman, your taking out the Joker was asterous.

Batman: Stop mangling the English language, kid.
by Avaricious Altruist November 27, 2012
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the opposite of a disaster in a feeling form
You receive free candy for a year, and you are feeling the aster.
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Aster is the best person you will ever met in your entire life. They may be a little hard to get them to like you but when they do it's worth it. Aster is extremely loyal and is never afraid to defend you with everything they have. They are the type of person that no matter how much you're in the wrong they will always say you're in the right. if you met an aster never let them or you'll regret it
by Penguin teeth March 30, 2022
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Oppostite of disaster. When something goes right instead of wrong.
Miss Martian: "Superboy! Are you OK?"
Superboy: "Fine; feeling the aster..."
by NinKen94 February 7, 2011
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A name, meaning: The sexiest person ever, the baddest bitch in all the land, an absolute power top who could fuck the shit out of anyone
Aster: "hey"
Me: *coughs* "that was really hot"
by ohmygodchipotlé April 23, 2021
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Fred: My day sucks.
John: Really? I'm loving today, it's been aster.
by JSpades February 10, 2011
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