The action of being a boy or acting like one. The opposit of being girly.
Hey he is being so boily right now.
by Hose John October 30, 2018
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A person who doesn't really help anyone and acts as if he's been doing a lot .
Don't count on him to help you through these tough times, he's such a boily.
by Billy the bush February 8, 2019
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The act of lifting a boily's legs and forcing them into the ute as they take their tools out.
Why are Tyler's legs sticking out of the Ute?

Someone has been Boily Tipping.
by Mitnix September 19, 2023
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A dirty skanks’ jugs that are covered in acne probably due to lack of personal hygiene or they are so big and sloppy it is hard to keep from sweating causing white heads and boils
Tammy’s cans are so fn sloppy and nasty have you seen that boily rack!
by Hal Itosis June 20, 2021
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Someone who usually tries to be something that he's not to impress a girl that just uses him.
Girl: who's that guy your with?
Girl: oh him that my star boili, he buys me whatever I want so I will have sex with him, but it's never happening!!!
by Hurleydaniel432 April 16, 2022
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