It has evolved from the old Turkish word yuçe.

Supreme adj. ( Old Turk. uça “back, rear”, with y- derivation * yuça > * yuca > Yüce ) High, great, great, superior in rank: Yuce means supreme, big, all the above one.

Often exceeding human measures, therefore very large. The thing that is superior in the field of art, morality, religion, thought and that is seen as superior. // One of the two main concepts of Kant's aesthetics: Kant puts the sublime as a basic aesthetic concept alongside the beautiful. However, according to him, anything that goes beyond any measure, that is overwhelmingly large, transcends the senses. And this raises the sublime above the world grasped by the senses and shifts it to the field of morality. (e.g: Supreme Goldenhammer)*.

*the one and only example in this metaverse.
If I take a sigh, high mountains will be pierced (Karacaoglan)
It has evolved from the old Turkish word yuçe.

Supreme adj. ( Old Turk. uça “back, rear”, with y- derivation * yuça > * yuca > Yüce ) High, great, great, superior in rank: Yuce means supreme, big, all the above one.

Yuce means supreme, big, all the above one.
by Metalstorm35 November 22, 2021
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