The truth is that UCLA and USC are both good schools. There are good people and pricks at each school. The rivalry between the two breeds hatred in certain people on both sides. I'm a UCLA student, but I respect USC.

It's cool that we compete in everything, but it should be a friendly rivalry. This hatred is just not needed. The fact that LA can house two prestigious universities like UCLA and USC is amazing.
We're all smart people at UCLA and USC. Let's act like it.
by 'SC is alright with me May 7, 2005
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University of Southern California.

The University where students are too busy becoming rich and successful to talk trash at
Dude, did you see how bad USC is getting slammed on

No man, I'm too busy running corporations, living the good life and gettin that paper
by TheTruthMaker November 3, 2009
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The University of Southern California is a world-class leading research university located in downtown Los Angeles. It has the nation's best film school and its communication, engineering, and business school are all in the top 10.

Both USC and UCLA are very good schools, anyone who needs to trash talk the other to make theirs sound better is just foolish.
There are some challenging and some not so challenging professors at USC. But the same goes for UCLA. I've sat in on classes at both institutions.
by Peter A September 15, 2006
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A famous private university in Southern California, whose academic and athletic reputation is overshadowed by a silly rivalry that they have with another excellent school, UCLA. Most students don't really care, but the playfulness of the rivalry is ruined by a minority of mean-spirited killjoys on either side.
USC idiot: Hey UCLA! We've risen 50 places in the US News and world report rankings! We'll probably beat your sorry asses this year!
UCLA idiot: Well, at least I don't go to a university that really stands for University of Spoiled Children. Hur hur GET IT?
by Dank the man July 11, 2008
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A private institution located in Southern California. Has an intense rivalry with UCLA. Although UCLA people like to diss on USC for costing 3x as much, they are ignorant of the fact that USC provides excellent financial aid, unlike public UCLA which doesn't have any money due to the economy.

Not only that, UCLA just raised their fees for next year. How's public school going?
Funny how I have to pay hardly anything because of great financial aid to go to USC while UCLA didn't give me crap.
by huskies555 December 12, 2009
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Shops in the UK selling clothes mainly to scallies although they do have some other stuff which is almost respectable.
Shit mate, where did you get that lacoste shirt?
I got it down USC in the Arndale centre.
by The G June 14, 2004
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United States Code

The laws of the federal government established by Congress.
26 USC is the federal income tax code, or the Internal Revenue Code (IRC)
by Jon Davis January 14, 2004
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