A type of venom that humans evolved in 2006. It only effects those who also evolved Twitter. Those who use this venom are very anti-social and the venom has the added effect of "cancelling" others of higher social status. When one uses twitter they begin to become irritable and irrational. One sentence can lead to the entire horde using the venom to try to defame them. This has led many to commit self cancelation which the bullies then mourn about or encourage.
Person 1: What happened to Mike?

Person 2: He got twittered

Person 1: Sad
by ShirleyBoysHighSchool March 21, 2022
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A site that makes stalking effortless.
When checking twitter, i noticed that Cindy tweeted from her iPhone that she was shopping at Victoria's Secret. I think i'm going to go to the mall now. Maybe I can sneak a peek of her in the changing room.
by enisainwonderland April 28, 2009
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Some random person: I love Twitter, you should join, too!
Me: Fuck no, I ain't joining that rotten, headache-inducing, utter shithole.
by PhoenixGamer34 May 9, 2021
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The most succesful unorginized social network in the world.
On Twitter I have to use an @ symbol to tag people, and it takes up part of my text allowance. What the fuck?
by uggson April 4, 2015
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Every member of the Antifa Board of Supervisors is on Twitter. Coincidence? I think not.
by kenoshabrick March 3, 2021
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A place where twats with delusions of grandeur can write about anything mundane and trivial in their lives, all the while believing that the whole world wants to know.
Jim has no friends and no life but he regularly posts on Twitter about pretty much nothing for the whole world to read. Twitter has given Jim an entourage of random strangers and makes him feel like a rock star.
by Non-Twatterer July 17, 2009
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Ok, so Twitter is a social media app that people do social media stuff on. But this one is different than the others. This one is normally fine if you have a couple k followers, but if you get too popular you get a kind of cancer called "Stan's." When that happens people basically stalk you online. And if you say something controversial or political your entire social status will collapse in on itself and explode.
" Twitter is fucking cancer "
by Calvinator_lmao December 30, 2022
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