"Trending" is a mutilation of the English language that means "currently popular." It derives from a sad misunderstanding of the verb "to trend" as meaning "to become a trend."

Twitter's "Trending Topics" list has probably contributed to this degeneration.
A: I said "Wikileaks is trending now" when I should have just said it was a popular news story. What's happening to me?!

B: The internet has ruined your mind. Reading pop culture on the internet is the worst thing you could do to your ability to communicate in plain English short of taking up a career in contract law. Hence "trending."
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A religon that attention-seeking highschoolers worship as an effort to mask the fact that they are worthless nobodys that will never have a life.
by Human September 7, 2003
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The things that people feel they need to be accepted.
Stereotypes don't accept those who aren't within their trend, especially preppy assholes
by MetalGuitarist137 April 16, 2009
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Nothing more then fads. A lot of people think that everyone just follows trend's because they want to look cool or be accepted or whatever you want to say. Not everyone is like this however, a lot of people just think that the way people dress in whatever the trend happens to be at the time looks cool or attractive. It seems nowadays that lots of people that say they are against trends but don't even seem to realize they're following a trend themselves. The people who seem to complain most about trends are not the ones that don't follow a trend, but rather the ones that do. A lot of people just tend to call out other trends because they think it's stupid, there are elitists in all trends. People need to get it through their heads that 'scene, or 'emo' aren't the only trends out there. They jsut seem to be getting a lot of attention right now. And, just because this bothers me, 'Prep' is a trend too. And despite the stereotypes, not all 'preps' are stuck up idiots with too much money on their hands. Despite the stereo types not all 'Scene' kids are stuck up elitists who just want to be accepted. Despite the stero types not all 'Emo' kids are depressed and unhappy all the time. Most trends are more about the fashion fo themselves than anything else. In my opinion there's nothing wrong with being part of a trend. Even if you get told your 'unoriginal' or 'just another scene/emo/prep/punk/whatever' kid it doesn't make you unoriginal. No one is exactly the same as anyone. People who are extremely anti-trend are usually more elitist then most people in the trends...
Jake dresses like that because he wants to. Not because he's trying to be like everyone else in the trend.
by Jake' December 16, 2005
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the pure definition of weird. like really, sometimes, scams are trending. even reddit videos are trending, though.
normal person: hey, have you seen the trending page on (insert social media)? i he-
normaln't person: oH dO yOu MeAn ThOsE vIdEoS wHERE-
normal person: shut
by hi, i'm pansexual June 17, 2021
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that thing everyone does but it ends up being really cringe :(

(mostly on tiktok or other apps)
are you doing the tiktok trend?
by antiverts June 24, 2021
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Searches of a similar topic at the same time
It was a non-topic and trending on Twitter
by ='srtrx August 23, 2019
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