A name anyone whose first name is "Alex" should go by.
person 1: I am going to beat you up, Alex.

Alex: "Pssht, no one beats up "The Pham!"
by cherrycherrycherrybanana August 22, 2010
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n. an all-powerful being raised to cause havoc and destruction from the past and into the future who is always good at math and perfected cloning
All hail the Powerful and Benevolent Pham!
by mrnaskar1134 January 15, 2009
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When a person posts old info to his friends and believes he was the first one to find out about it.
Richard: Hey guys did you see that Gangnam style guy.
Simon: dude that was posted 4 months ago...
Kevin: he's phamming it again.
by BestRiven69 December 12, 2013
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alternative word for
1. cute
2. cool
3. awesome
4. great
"omg instead of cool it shuld just be 'pham'"
--"im pham"
"aww thats cute"
"nah nah its 'aww thats pham'"
by >kiki k< October 22, 2009
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Mr ultra sexy vietnamese boyfriend. He is very well defined and tank, he is also very knowledgeable in the bedroom
by DERPSPSPD October 23, 2010
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I spelled this word when I was in my first grade spelling bee and they asked me to spell, “ham” my mom was very disappointed...
“That girl so stupid she spelled “pham” instead of ham.”
by weebboi6969 March 23, 2020
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