Those poops that you take that are super hard and small. They often come in bunches of ten. Similar to rabbit turds.
I ate some medicine, and then like a day later, I dropped a few T Nugs off at the pool. Then they had to drain the pool.
by BeanoMcFadden March 9, 2006
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Those pellet bowel movements that are super hard and small. They often come in bunches of about a dozen, similar to rabbit turds.
I ate some medicine, and then like a day later, I dropped a few T Nugs off at the pool. Then they had to drain the pool.
by Beano McFadden April 3, 2006
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Short for " Tiny Nuggets". Referring to tiny rabbit sized
"Dawg, i just had a wicked case of the T Nugs!"
by Seth & Mike March 12, 2008
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The nug is that absolute legend in the group. Maybe he isn't a massive player like some others. But that's not his role. His role is to make sure that others have a good time, rather than himself
Yo at the party last night Ben was T Nug, clearing up all our mess!
by Cheeky sandwich September 21, 2015
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