A straight person who will not date transgender people. It basically means to be transphobic, and it’s mostly 13 year old trump supporting country boys who are painfully single. It was originally started by TikTok user Kyle Royce.
“Josh you’re super straight?! So you’re saying you’re transphobic? Wow.
by Platypus_gogo12 March 24, 2021
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Super Straight people only date other people who were born the opposite gender. It's not transphobic because no one is saying we dislike transgender people in any way, it's just preference. We just prefer people as partners who were born the opposite gender. You can't "cancel" preference.
Person 1: Hey would you date a trans?

Person 2: No, I prefer to date people that were born as the opposite gender

Person 1: That's transphobic

Person 2: No it's just my preference, I'm Super Straight
by Blasters March 3, 2021
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A transphobic term used to invalidate transgender people, created by TikTok and repurposed by 4chan.
"Hey man I'm Super Straight"
"That's not a good thing"
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A transphobic person that likes to drink piss.
Person 1: I'm super straight

Person 2: oh, what is that?

Person 1: I don't date trans people because they aren't real men/women.

Person 2: That's transphobia...
by Hisokas_bussy March 8, 2021
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The sexual and/or romantic attraction to people born biologically of the opposite sex (cis-gendered people). Not to be confused with transphobia as many Super Straights don't mind LGBT+ culture and would gladly make friends with one of them as it is just a genital preference, many Super straight guys just want a woman who can bear children for them like intended by nature. Note that some open-minded unbigoted trans people accept Super Straights as "valid" and won't automatically cancel them via Twitter.
some dumbass made the flag pornhub color scheme ⬛️🟧
Alice: What's your sexuality?

Bob: I'm super straight

Alice: You're offing trans people? Like super transphobic-

Bob: No, I just don't want them in my bed
by Alucard the second May 19, 2021
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An attempt by anti-gay right's activists and Neo-Nazis to further marginalise Gay, Lesbian, Bi and Transgender persons. The name Super Straight is a joke (SS) and their alleged flag is another far-right reference.
Person A: Hey I'm Super Straight
Person B: Hey, do you mean you're straight or your so straight you're anti-gay?
Person A: Uhm what
Person B: SS?
Person A: Damnit, Nazis ruin everything.
by KittenJuggler March 8, 2021
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1) Sexually attracted to women who are naturally born as women.
2) Sexually attracted to a women born with ability/Sexual organs to conceive a child.

Super Straights are not sexually attracted to trans women as they are not born with a vagina, bit this does not mean that they do not accept them for who they are.
I'm Super Straight I like biologically born women. If you do not like it you are Superphobic
by Acceptance Person March 4, 2021
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