When the thought of two spicific people dating becomes wanted
"I soo think that Hannah and Clay should be shipped"
by Im A Frog April 14, 2017
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King:Enough! My ship sails in the morning! I wonder whats for dinner?
by aemjrgekrbngnbrgkbhezdtg August 31, 2009
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Send it! Give it up!

What makes the phrase sometimes funny/abrasive is the implied 100% ownership of "it" (i.e., come to papa).

Often implies a diminutive order (Send it, sucka!) to immediately send/give whatever "it" is to the speaker (Dat's ALL mine; hand it over!) and it is usually said in a self-congratulatory tone (I am awesome, it is awesome, thus it is mine; ship it).

Poker usage: "Ship it" conveys a confident and impatient 100% ownership of the money in the pot. Saying "ship it" with a mediocre-but-still-winning poker hand usually gets a laugh, especially if you say "Ship it" after showing your weak hand but before you see the other person's weaker hand. It also usually gets a laugh if you say "Ship it" when the pot is tiny and uncontested... ship it, ship it all.
My pocket aces beats your pair. Ship it, fish!

You look nice in them jeans. Ship it.

You've got the answer-key???? Ship it.

Everyone folds to me in the big blind??? Ship it.

Said at Foxwoods, before taking down a $1400 pot against an expected low (busted) flush draw: "Queen high. Ship it!"
by RaisingCain May 27, 2009
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Weirdly, everyone seems to see this as an abbreviation of "relationship", and use it to profess a desire for two people to couple or "pair up". Whoever started popular use of this his having a giggle on all of you, as the proper derivation of it is simply

They're hot together. I ship Brian to Christine.
by sudo_nom June 12, 2014
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The word comes from 'relationship', and means supporting an existing romantic relationship between two characters, or the idea of two characters who are not currently together being a couple. The couple are called a 'ship', and the person doing the shipping is a 'shipper'. The term can also be used in reference to real-life people. A person's favourite 'ship' is their 'OTP' - One True Pairing.
e.g. "I ship Hiccstrid SO HARD! They're my OTP!"
e.g. "Oh my god, the ship has sailed!"
e.g. "I'm gonna start shipping them, they're so adorable together!"
by Perov March 6, 2017
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When you get an obsession with shipping your classmates together.
I ship it! ____ and ____ so cute! This ship will go down in histor-

Teacher: don’t ship your classmates, only ship, ships
by thesadguccibag April 21, 2019
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(Short for relationship) Used when someone wants two characters to be together whether it's realistic or not.
Person 1: I SHIP DRARRY!!!

Person 2: ummm you can't do that. Harry is married to Ginny...


(Drarry= Harry + Draco)
by PEYTWAN June 28, 2017
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