A type of christian church, very charitable. Runs charity shops and does missionary work.
'You going to the salvation army on Sunday?'
As in church
by tellmeastory May 29, 2007
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A great place to find rather interesting...albeit used...books, CD's, cassette tapes, record albums, 8-track tapes, DVD's, 12" laser discs, VHS video tapes, BETAMAX video tapes, and obsolete electronic equipment.
A lousy place for finding clothes, furniture, or anything else that might be useful for day-to-day living.
"The Salvation Army thrift store is having another book sale, four for a dollar. Unfortunatley, they're also having a used underwear sale too...."
by Carl J. Maltese September 29, 2007
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A place intended for the lower-class households to pick up some used clothing and other items at a discounted price. It seems all of the "different" kids go there now to buy vintage shirts, because you can get three for a nickel or some shxt like that. They are usually the type of kids who complain about society having "brainwashed" the preppy kids.

If you think you're cool for buying clothes at the salvation army, just remember that you're wearing somebody else's pitstained t-shirt.
Like oh my God, I just got this brand new emo shirt at the salvation army today! It's totally rad! It says "John's Pickle Shop" on the front! I think I'm going to wear it to the Dashboard concert this weekend! It will totally fit in!
by AnthonyMEMU June 23, 2004
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A place for poor people to pick up free shit. They individuals are most likely unemployed and can't provide for their own family. Some are homeless.
Poor kid had to wear salvation army clothes.
by richgj October 14, 2007
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Thrift store thats annoying to be in for more than 30 mintutes, but has great *used* clothes at good prices. If you think only poor people shop here, your wrong. If you think I'm scum because I get like 70% of my clothes from there, STFU, cause im not gifted with money like some of you material people who only worry about getting stuff from the best shops at the mall (See American Eagle and Tommy Hilfaggot).
"Those annoying emo guys need to grow up and get a life outside of thinking they have to act sad and wear cheap clothes in order to fit in."
by Livewrong March 10, 2005
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the place where you and countless other broke-ass people go to get their cheap shit
where you got your clothes and stuff
by thebestuguyonearth August 4, 2003
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A place where low income broke scum go to to get clothes
where poor little childern go to get their clothes cause mommy the bad whore and daddy the loser cant get a good job.
he used underwear from salvation army
his family was so broke as a child he had to go to salvation army thats where daddy took his poor fat little son cause the daddy was broke
by boogie February 23, 2005