sex with a much older man no matter your age
He tried to pull a R Kelly on me
by Dannie June 6, 2003
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1. A rapper that likes to have sex & piss on little girls.
2. Another way to say pedophile
R Kelly: "You wanna go bumpin' & grindin' lil girl?
Lil' girl: "MOMMMYY!!"

Debbie: Mr. Hank was staring at me again.
Melissa: God, he's such a R Kellly.
by Angelina's D S L July 14, 2006
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A word "name" used to insult or describe a person as a pedophile who sleeps with underage women.
Teacher: Hey, I'd like to meet up with you after school if you don't mind. 'wink wink'
Female Student: Whatever f00, get your R Kelly ass away from me bitch. You aint tappin this ass.
by William Chambers July 11, 2005
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