Abbreviated form for "Greetings and Goodbye". Applicable in situations where speaker does not have time to strike up a conversation with another person, on facebook when someone attempts to talk to another person when he or she is about to log off, or in situations where one is being hounded by a person whose company he or she finds annoying.
Greg was walking down the hallway, late for his next class, when his friend stops to say 'hi". Greg waves and responds "G and G. I gotta get to my classroom!"
by Crawl-lick April 10, 2011
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by 50 September 19, 2003
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Something that is said in G-Unit rap songs.
"50 Cent, Young Buck...g-g-g-g-g-g-g-unit!"
by Suddke June 9, 2005
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some stupid rap saying which basicly says hey im a faget
Yo dawg i was just listening to g-g-g-g-g-g-g-unit while giving a blow job to my brother homes.
by Lizardking August 16, 2005
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It's a gansta with a stutter
w-w-w-what's up my g-g-g-g-g-g-g-unit?
by IanFromLondon July 21, 2005
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A catchphrase uttered by members of a rap label named G-Unit which is headed by rapper 50 cent. The catchphrase is often recited in an aggressive manner with an emphasis being placed on the 'NIT' of word 'Unit' towards the end. It is supposed to convey a don't-mess-with-us-coz-I'm-a-gangsta attitude. Supposed to. The rapper known as 'The Game' might disagree.
From the song P.I.M.P:

Snoop Dogg: "Why should we allow you in the PIMP legion of doom?"

50 Cent: "Man whoever said progress was a slow process wasn't talking about me! I'm a P.I.M.P! Plus... I got the magic stick."

*All of a sudden the location changes*

Voice in chorus: "G-G-G-G-G- UNIT!!"
by Iamnotthegame February 8, 2009
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Quote used by The Game to refer to the wankster ways of G-unit.
Here come the G-unit crips call the cops, your runnin' with a motherfuckin; snitch so its g g g g U NOT!
by G U NOT July 5, 2006
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