fat- tits..... tits that are big only because the girl is fat
Ken- " yo jenny's got huge tits!
mike-" nah bro those are just fitties, bitch is huge!
by candosh October 18, 2008
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1. Fat titties
2. A group on facebook that are perfect in everyway.
3. A Family
1. Daaaamn son, yo chick has some FITTIES
2. I love my fitties so much xoxooxox kees
3. Fitties are the best.
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Girls that are apart of the Facebook group called "Boston Directioners" These girls are literally legends, they've gotten shout outs from; Lily Halpern, One Direction US and even Liam Payne from One Direction. If you're a fittie you're one of the most attractive people that has ever existed. If the boys of One Direction met you they would go into cardiac arrest. Everyone wants to either be a fittie or know one. Fitties dominate the world of One Direction. They consider each other sisters rather than just directioners. Every fittie has a best friend. #fitties4lyfe

and there's Kyle too.
Person #1: Did you see that girl over there, she's hot.
Person #2: Dude, that's because she's one of the fitties.
Person #1: WHOA a fittie?!
Person #2: Oh yeah *takes shirt off because so attracted to fittie*
Person #1: I see Kyle *fangirls*
by The Fittie Momma May 15, 2012
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fitty- tha so called 'gangsta' wayy of sayin 50 cent, whos tha dumbest biatch in tha history of rap!! n dat mainli coz he wnt from rapin bout gud shit to lollypops n candy..magical sticks evn tho he has nothing COZ HE IS A SHE!!! WHY DONT U STUPID 50CENT FANNYS SEE DAT!????!??!?!?!??????? hava luk in his stupid film clipz while he strips (in preti much evry vid)..he dont hav no magic stick aiiite! n to YOU 50, THE GAME KICKS YO LIL MAFAKIN PUSSY!!! GO THA GAME!! itz BLACKWALL STREET FO LIFE NOW!!!!!!!!
curtis: yo wudup itz fitty
lloyd: daymn fitty u so hoT u so fyne..damn babi all i need is a lil bit *winkkz*
curtis: hehehehe (flirtz) yes ur sxc too *gigglez*
by fulli tabulli ulleh July 20, 2005
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derived from the word bitty , a fitty is a good looking or " fit" girl ( bitty) . it is used when you are simply to cool to say fit and bitty one at a time.
Julian : yo look at that bitty , man she is so fit

Rory: yeah man she's a fitty
Julian: fitty ? whats that?
Rory: oh right i forgot that your not cool , my bad , but yeah sorry a fitty is a fit bitty .
Julian: oh alright :) cool
by thebushponder February 5, 2011
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