D’Monnie is a sexy fine dark skin tall boy who’s thinks all alone but he really always have somebody with him , he goes and went through a lot of things and tend to hide all emotions when a problem occurs , D’Monnie will love the fuck out of you if he ever loves you and do anything to make sure you okay even if you have to make a hurt full decision, he will always be there and such an amazing person sometimes manipulative but he just really want you to stay , he don’t take bullshit but he so easy to love and the best person to go to. He makes uu feel high everytime you talk to him , he makes you feel like the most important wonderful person ever , he is so handsome and you have to love him , he is so nice and he makes you feel wanted but don’t mess up his heart , he is so good and amazing so make him feel wanted and loved because he going to need it and want it , he loves to be kissed and get his feet rubbed .
Me: this boy is the most amazing in the world he makes me feel so good inside like I have a burst of energy inside

Kate: bro he is him fr he D’Monnie
by D’Monnie June 23, 2023
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