The new dictator of the Soviet Socialist State of Northern Carolina (SSSNR). He came up with a new curfew and now everyone back on provisional license.
Comrade Cooper has just announced that North Carolina will secede from the United States and that it will form it's own country The Soviet Socialist of Northern Carolina (SSSNR).
by Very cool band kid named Jimmy December 12, 2020
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A title for someone that does not understand basic Constitutional rights or freedoms.

A would-be dictator that embraces facist behavior.
Man #1: "Lordy, that guy is cold. No heart. No feeling. He acts like Putin".
Man #2: "So true. He is a regular Comrade Donnie".
by Captain Breed June 27, 2018
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The staff member with the greatest logical brain, as he made the best choice when selecting a helper.
Harry: 'Fuck me, Comrad Corbyn is so smart and amazing.'
Harry 2: 'He must be, he chose Inster as his helper! What a genius!'
by NumberTwoWithExtraCheese June 13, 2019
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