hair or hairdo

...simply put.
conan o'brien has the best coif known to man.
by ... March 2, 2005
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1. A hood or collar made from chainmail. Worn by the knights of old.

2. A substitute cuss word.
What the coif, dude!?
by nerd@geek January 23, 2011
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As a cycling term, to be stopped abruptly atop a hill by a slower rider, resulting in a crash due to a loss of momentum.
Fuck!!! Enoel coifed me!!!! - Laks
by OSOK June 2, 2011
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Failing to accomplish basic tasks extremely quickly. Such as dying instantly in a video game or losing a game at round 1.
The moment we started he just went and coifed immediately.
by tahity December 23, 2019
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Stands for Com' On, It's Friday

Guy#1: Hey bro can you please finish this report before you go?
Guy#2: COIF!!!!
by oican February 3, 2017
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The hairstyle ( coiffure ) you wear after getting a proper and vigorous fucking.
Niiice coitus coif, Dude... she must've been on top this time?
by Scrappy SamCat January 28, 2009
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A sexual act in which a person defecates upon another person's head. This could be achieved while a man is receiving fellatio in a 69 position and defecates upon his partner's head.

This is In the same vein as the Cleveland Steamer or the Cincinnati Bowtie} and part of the Ohio Trifecta.
Hey man, me and my chick just completed the Ohio Trifecta when she let me give her a Columbus Coif.
by Flashtopher March 2, 2018
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