something that's dead and should stay dead.
Son: Daddy, why do I have to let her go first? she's a creep to everybody.

Dad: Because, when somebody has a certain chemical called estrogen in their body, they automatically deserve more respect than you. It's called chauvinism, I mean chivalry.

by smashdummies August 21, 2012
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The act of a self-deluded sucker. Self-destructive self-sacrifice in favor of those seeking to exploit or destroy the practioner. Self-debasement to those seeking exploitive profit and lack of due recriprocation. Often stupidly misconstrued by those practicing as honorable or altuistic.
Many travesties of justice, self-destruction, and the concealment and promotion of evil have come from the chivalry of fools.
by esmith512 January 21, 2008
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tha's when the girl she goes to get out and the guy opens the door and throews her shit out with her, so she donesnt have to go bakc in and get it all herself it's a nice gesture of chivalery
"get outta here bitch and take your damn cat too!"
by wallis and futuna islands December 1, 2004
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Doing whatever a woman wants and tells you to to try to get laid. Being pussywhipped and being a chick's slave. See "gentleman" and "real man".
John thinks spending lots of money on his girl and doing what she tells him is chivalry. Even though she thinks she's equal she wants none of the responsibilities of being an adult. His balls are in his purse and she doesn't respect him.
by gruntalicious May 13, 2008
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Origin Old French "chevalerie", from Latin "caballarius" 'horseman'

Derivatives Chivalric (adjective)

1. the medieval knightly system with its religious, moral and social code.

2. the combination of qualities expected of an ideal knight, especially courage, honour, courtesy, justice, and a readyness to help the weak.

3. courteous behaviour, especially that of a man towards women.
Chivalry was an expected quality of an knight during the medieval period.

Loyalty is just a given in the qualities of a chivalrous knight.

What ever happened to chivalry, eh Pipe?
Hey! I am chivalrous, *mutters to G* bloody hypocrits.
by Alex Pipe July 8, 2004
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Courtesy towards women
*Jeff, Jim, and Katie are playing soccer*

*Jeff attempts a 30 yard kick on Jim*

Jeff: Go get it Jim.
Jim: No you go get it!
Jeff: Katie go get it.
Katie: Ugh...chivalry is so dead.
by Rodolfo S.J, October 17, 2006
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Choosing to not rape a woman, just because you want to.
Me: "Hey, Jonathan, that bitch is fine."
Jonathan: "Yeah, but in the name of chivalry, we probably shouldn't rape her."
Me: "Yeah, you're right. Damn it."
by JamesRKirk January 1, 2008
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