Gods gift to mankind, helps you throw better parties, or just everyday fun
"hey mother fucker, let's go smoke some mother fuckin cannabis, and than go make fun of some jews"
by stonnerific September 9, 2006
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st0ner: i like weed
other st0ner: i like cannabis
st0ner: its the same thing dumbass
by Qannabis King April 19, 2008
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When your enjoying the HIGH through your Mind and Body man..that’s Cannabis Dreamin 🔥💨
Day or Night I’m always Cannabis Dreamin!
Cannabis Dreamin on such a Stoney Day.
by ClassicRonnie February 16, 2019
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To sieze, pluck, enjoy or make use of the Cannabis. 🔥💨
🔥 If you love CANNABIS think CARPE CANNABIS.

🔥 When you get that DANK scream out CARPE CANNABIS and enjoy the high with no worries.

🔥When your enjoying your HIGH think CARPE CANNABIS
by ClassicRonnie June 13, 2019
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A Cannabis Connoisseur is an individual with a vast knowledge in anything related with Cannabis. This individual can tell you everything there is to know about cannabis. From the name of the strain to the flavor and the type of highs. He can identify Indicas from Sativas, and anything in between. He can also give you a list of recipes that include cannabis.
Mundo: "So what kind of bud do you have today man?"

Larry: "Oh, I got some New York City Sour Diesel. Man, this one is bomb. Just look at the soft green color on this, and all the tri-combs. It has a strong scent, smells kind of dank. The texture is just perfect, it's soft, spongy, and it's soo sticky. The high on this strain is killer! Compared to that Afghani Kush, this one kills it."

Mundo: "Damn, you're a total cannabis connoisseur."

For another more visual example watch the film "Pinneaple Express". The scene where Seth Rogen goes to buy weed and James Franco describes the different types and tries to go in deepth with all the details. James comes off as a total Cannabis Connoisseur.

Cannabis cultureCannbiphileCannabisPothead
by CrazyMundo February 26, 2009
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Cannabis that is legaly used as medicine for terminal illnesses and other sickness .Bought in Canna clubs/compassion clubs where it can be grown proffesionaly and Legaly for pecific illnesses.Usally Higher quality then street Cannabis, but not in some places(like Canada).legal nation wide in canada, but only some American States(like California)

Some people use cannabis illegaly to releave pain/sickness but they are still doing wrong it the eyes of the law.
1.I can walk up to a cop smoking my medical cannabis and ask him for directions if i want.Not that i would
by Hymen June 27, 2006
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Name of a well known California Marijuana Horticulturist who advanced the concept of blending modern organic additives with "old school" organic processes to grow some of the more potent yet 100% organic product available. His emphasis is on quality, not quantity.
Bud from Maximus Cannabis is always sure to please.
by Maximus Cannabis October 8, 2010
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