1. Message board acroynym for Click/Laugh. Used in place of lol to describe actual immediate humor upon clicking one's mouse and seeing a particularly post.
postwhore1: Very clean... so, is it close to BMW quality?

postwhore2: I sure hope not. I don't want my car going into the shop every 2 months.

postwhore3: C/L.
by scioninja November 3, 2006
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1. Message board acroynym for Click/Laugh. Used in place of lol to describe actual immediate humor upon clicking one's mouse and seeing a particularly post.
postwhore1: Very clean... so, is it close to BMW quality?

postwhore2: I sure hope not. I don't want my car going into the shop every 2 months.

postwhore3: C/L.
by scioninja November 2, 2006
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C@L is clearly the best city in the world.
by C@Lgrl February 11, 2010
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Joey: DUDE. I just mashed my thumb with the friggin hammer.

Aaron: last night, my girlfriend was blowin' me and decided to use her teeth.

Johnny: Oh shit. Apparently my lady is also my cousin...

Joey: F. O. C. L.

Johhny: Pretty much.
by Add pseudonym here July 26, 2009
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To like and comment on a new post usually on Instagram

Also with recent posts
Oi what do you think of this pic, l+c it yeah?
by Iheartchickennugs January 19, 2019
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To Like and comment on something
Friend: l & C on my new insta pic
by Instalover December 4, 2016
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