Most common in Leeds youth dialect.
1)Verb- To improvise in order to solve a difficulty, or divert suspicion away from oneself. Usually achieved by hiding, acting or concealing something.
2) An act of blending.

1) A man came out of his house, so I had to blend it behind a bush

2)She asked where i was going. I told her i was going home and she believed it. What a blend!
by Liam Williams May 24, 2006
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adj. to change ones personality in able to further ones career, to brown nose, to suck up to management, to not use the word mofo in work emails. see also Blender
Brent kept his job in the restructure by blending better than Riz, Balk and Ange.
by Pastey January 29, 2003
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describing when a situation is agreeable

or a general term for describing something that's good

see heavy dark
i just found £20 on the floor i say "that was a blend"
by Steven Gerrard December 11, 2003
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A variation of fisting that involves inserting your entire forearm and then spinning it around fast as if you were a blender.
Justin and Stanley decided that this evening they would take turns in blending Sara.
by theblender666 May 7, 2013
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a word that can mean literally any verb
1. im going to blend this cigarrette

2. I'd blend your mum any day

3. does it blend?

4. She got blended last night
by chel mate February 3, 2010
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The opposite of unblened. To describe someone who suits their bodily proportions, they look nice in their body
You look very blended today.
by Pheebs Sawnders September 27, 2022
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Let's blend to some slow jams.
by gravity5 March 5, 2006
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