Noun. A Rich white monkey,

Character traits: Controlling, homophobic, harasses chunky

Beesh facts: Has a cat named Louie, a dog named chief nuts, and a bird named country bumpkin, has a sister named

chunky, and a brother named big R.
by Big beesh October 29, 2019
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Yo I snuffed that nigga in the beesh

Dude your beesh smells rancid

Gimme the beesh (slot machine going in the back)
by Beesh, Bish, besh, bush May 13, 2023
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Plural form of bed from an alternate universe.
Furniture like stoves & beesh can be bought here.
by DSS2022RAILRUNNER July 19, 2022
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A homegirl or someone you truly admire! Your real Beesh!
by Flowfreelyforever June 28, 2023
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Another word for a vape or the act of going for a smoke.
Ay lad you coming outside for a beesh?
by Knava lona May 30, 2022
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