A sport popular among blacks which involves lacking talent but being extremely tall to make up for it and basically just running in toward the hoop to score a basket; Don't worry, no one can touch you or they'll be penalized. (If they do touch you, you MUST fall to the ground and scream in agony and hold some part of your body as if you broke it, even though you'll get up 2 seconds later to shoot free throws.) Most players are drug-dealers, womanizers, and generally misfits from the streets who skipped school to shoot hoops. Many of them die of AIDS.
yo nigz i wuz playin sum basketball and i totally school'd peeps wit muh nasty moves. to bad im never gonna be anything in life because i never got no education.
by Gman400 June 10, 2008
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Yes, this is a definition for the game of basketball, and not an individual player. But no basketball conversation can last 20 minutes without this man's name being brought up. This man's accomplishments are only overshadowed by the way he shaped the game of basketball and American culture. If you need the actual definition, just scroll down.
by Tempo421 October 7, 2008
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A sport played with two hoops, an orange ball and 5 players on each team. If you want to play a sport, basketball is not the first to choose.
Basketball? naw daw I'd rather play soccer.
by Zee Dogg June 9, 2007
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The best sport every invented. Inspires passion, love and a lust for battle. The skill level required for this sport required is high above any other sport, including American football. Basketball is just plain plainly the shit. Where you dunk and put your NUTS in the motherfucker's face. Where you can shoot a 3 or a J and cover the opponents face with sperm because you just FACIALED HIM. But yea it is a pretty awesome sport.
Nick: yo lets go ply some basketball
Jimmy: nah your too good but w.e its jsut an awesome sport lets go play
Nick: ye bitches now take my nuts in your face
by ShadyBaller604 September 6, 2009
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