A pink trait from glitchtale who aims to destroy humans and monsters. Somehow gets a lot of hate from the fandom.
Also used to be an innocent human called amber before the brat called agate possesed her.
Bête Noire is glitchtale's main antagonist.
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Anti Bête Noire is the total Opposite of Bête Noire, bête noire means Black Beast so anti bête noire obviously means Anti Black beast the definition of anti bête noire means a person or thing somebody enjoys to be around and one particularly likes
Random Jock: Hey look it's (Insert girl/boy name) the anti bête noire of the school!
by Eccudix September 28, 2018
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1. A French saying, usually referring to a person, that you particularly despise. Not often seen in common use, and not often easy to slip into a sentence. Generally, a fun but difficult term.

2. The primary antagonist of an Undertale animated series called ‘Glitchtale’ by Camilla Cuevas. (Even less often used)
P1: You know John?
P2: Yeah, that bastards my Bête Noir.
P1: That sounds stupid.
by Octagonal Revolver April 2, 2022
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