when a group of people at a party, or some type or social gathering, get souped when a techno song comes on.
Guy 1: This party sucks! Let's get Club Altitude!
*Techno song plays*
Guy 2: This party is the shit. . Club Altitude is here!
by Demsy May 13, 2008
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Depression, itchiness, weakness caused by low altitudes during snow storms that can only be treated with elevation, beers, and fresh powder.
Sorry boss, not gonna make it in today...Got the low altitude sickness.
by gnarle December 14, 2018
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The act of standing on top of a bathroom stall and releasing the contents of your colon into the toilet below.
Bro 1- Dude I was high altitude bombing last night when the stall smashed and I fell into the toilet
Bro 2- Suh dude that's lit
by Trill 1ron June 1, 2016
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Noun: Coming from a city or place relatively close to sea level to one of a higher altitude, you:
1. Need to consume less alcohol to get drunk
2. Drink the same amount as "usual" and are HAMMERED
3. Drink on top of a mountain and get progressively drunker as you decend the mountain (particularly at a high rate of speed, such as on skis or a snowboard).
4. Drinking on the roof of a sky-scraper. Baller.

Synonyms: hot-tub drunk; sauna drunk; desert drunk
1. "We stopped at the airport bar in Denver during our lay over and I fell off my bar stool after pounding one beer"

2. "Psh, I've only had like 4 shots. I haven't thrown up from drinking in YEARS! That shi... (HUAGHHHHhhphtppbl...)

3. "3 beers at the summit bar and I had a good buzz on, then I couldn't get my skiblades off at the bottom. Just walked to the bathroom with 'em on."

4. "It's going to be nice out, come up to my rooftop to get high-altitude drunk."
by Lets Winter March 30, 2013
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a snowboarding term many young shredders use that refers to the consuming of generous amounts of cannabis while practicing your snowboarding skills.
Training at high altitude:
You: "How can the competitors in the Winter Olympics "Train at High Altitude" if they get drug tested?"

Johnny: "That's a good question, you see they......."
You: "Hey Johnny, i got some bangin bud wanna set up a snowboard park in the yard and go train at high altitude"

Johnny: "How could I say no"

B) Shaun white may have been "Train at High Altitude" during the Red Bull Project X, to train for competitions of course. (link below)
FIRST LOOK: Shaun White's private pipe - Red Bull Project X
by ChillenCT9 December 1, 2009
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When you go from a place relatively close to sea level to a place of higher altitude, your:

1. Hair will get a lighter shade (pubic included).

2. Have a few key moments that stand out as particularly AWESOME. (aka rad, bodacious, cat's meow, or ColoRADo)
"I came home from Colorado and my hair is way lighter, my skin is more tan, I can run a 4 minute mile, and drink 15 beers an hour!"

"Hiking out to (X) spot to hit those freshie stashes, eating ice cream, and getting high-altitude drunk and blacking out that night were my high-altitude highlights!"
by Lets Winter March 30, 2013
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A GTA Online normie who tries to fly an aircraft but makes absolutely absurd movements such as flying unnecessarily high, making vastly wide and enormous turns, or excessive falling back due to the initiates advancement in positioning
This altitude idiot just spammed his lockons the entire time and called me a modder with aimbot for killing him with my machine guns.
by Buzzard_Smurf January 29, 2018
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