n. 1. A beautiful man, both inside and out, has a wonderful smile (with lipstick on one's own wedding) to cheer anybody up.

2. Jon Snow

v. Procrastinate everything except ingeston validated by flatus expelled through the end of gastrointestinal tract.

ad. When one ruins a good conversation, by saying "yo" excessively to the point where the listener (unaware of Honey Singh) has to question whether the speaker is talking in english or ebonics or both or none.
Every girl needs a Biswas in her life to make her happy.

'Have you talked to Biswas regarding these issues at home?'
'No! He is Biswas.'

It's really urgent! Please don't do the usual Biswas to it.

I was really into this guy but after a point in the conversation he Biswased it and I lost all interest.
by the_fulminating_wife October 20, 2016
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Someone super swag, smart, pretty, funny, and all around awesome person with and amaaaazing personality. Almost godlike
Damn that Oishani Biswas was rlly great!
If anyone can do it, Oishani can!
by urmomkindaswaggyshawty April 26, 2021
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Trap bando lord from the slums god trapper
Bruh he's so cool he must be a biswas
by Slumlord1200 July 12, 2020
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Biswa generally means World or Universe.

Biswa is intuitive, beautiful and intelligent. He is fun and a genuine friend. To strangers they may seem quite but with friends they are crazy.

When it comes to being lovers, they are strong and best in bed. They may be easily attracted to people but will easily realise they are not the one.

Don't lose them, you will miss them because they treated you the best.
Hey Biswa, how many more times are you gonna help him?
by 9331neon November 24, 2021
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the sexiest man in all of India. He is a billionaire and proven athlete. HE is also known as the topshagger69.
'mr biswas hates the poor'
'mr biswas is a pussy magnet'
by Broccolicorn123 March 2, 2021
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